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Production Plan

The PDP is an essential part of the Media Production process  as it provides evidence that the student has thoughtfully conceived their idea, and throughly planned all aspects of pre production prior to engaging in any production. As such the PDP is an essential component of the assessment criteria in this unit which orientates students to the requirements for their major production in Year 12. A PDP at this stage should include between 15-25 A3 pages . Read the components and process below which will guide you in completing your plan 


Due Date   for your Plan is Wednesday Aug 25


Pre Production 


Step One


The first stage in your Media Production project is to determine the individual or collaborative production  and   medium you wish to work in from the list below


Select a genre and make a short film that uses conventions appropriate to that genre:


Create a documentary film


Work  on a magazine, undertaking different roles such as writer, photographer, editor or graphic artist


Organise a folio of photographs on a chosen topic or theme  or a photography exhibition, where students take photographs , take on the role as curators, public relations , marketing and advertising, newspaper coverage and management


Each students should download -and complete the  pre production document  here - 



Step Two


Commence a  Production Design Plan  - A3 format


Chapter One  Ideas    Inspiration / Influences


You should list or discuss your ideas - then research - and present 4 pages  that document your inspiration and influences - this could be a film director- photographer- or artist whose work inspires you - are where you may draw influence from


Ideas - document your ideas -  then final preferred idea





Chapter Two: Statement of Intention 

(This is a very important statement where you are indicating specifically what you will be producing for your Media production)


When writing your intention, think carefully about what you hope to achieve with your media product.


Write about the purpose and desired impact and outcome of your media product.


The more specific information you include the better. Try to  convey to the reader of  your statement  how interesting, individual, unique  and engaging your production will be


Length – One page  


E.g. For my media production I intend to produce a: Video production/ documentary of 5 mins duration  in the genre of ______


A 12-page magazine in the genre of _


A series of  photographs  specific for a photographic exhibition  exploring the themes or topics of   


A 10 min radio production 





E.g. the purpose of my production is to create an engaging and interesting __________  


It is my intention to create a production that is highly (select those that apply)

Educational / entertaining / humorous/ peaceful/ engaging/ informative/ interesting / appealing/ original / ground breaking / innovative/ provocative / beautiful, evocative, series of photographs / magazine/ video production   for my intended audience.



Describe how you will achieve this -


Describe your idea and what you are going to produce – e.g.

e.g For Video-explain your narrative/ story  


or describe what will be in your magazine  - articles – features – advertisements – competitions


or The type of photographs  - compositions- techniques 


Some further things  you could discuss in your intention


  • How and where your production is designed to be consumed

  • The intended effects on your particular audience

  • How will you present your work :


    How and where your production is designed to be consumed?

    The intended effects on your particular audience  ?


Chapter 3 Audience 


When you are defining the audience for your media product it is important to avoid generalisations. It is not helpful to write that your intended audience will be ‘adults’ or ‘teenagers’. Simply referring to a particular age group does not reveal much about the people who will be engaging with your media product. You need to have a clear audience in mind.


The intended audience for my production is 


(You need to think carefully of the audience that would enjoy, appreciate or be interested in your production)


Do not assume everyone will appreciate your production


You could define your audience by their age range – by their gender – by their attitudes/ values / interests / expectations and knowledge


For example your audience could be your peers – Teenagers are something you know about – what they like and don’t like. But think about other audiences that my appreciate and enjoy your production.  When you visualise your finished product think broadly about a range of possible audiences


Give everyone reading your design plan every opportunity to understand your intended audience/s by describing them as much as you can.  Try to describe their demographics- experience of the medium and subject matter together with their expectations of a product in the style and genre in which you are working.


When specifying your audience describes it both broadly and specifically.


Don’t use statements like-    people who like art –who don’t like art?

Teenage boys?? Do you mean 13 year olds or 19 year olds and what kind of guy?


How and where your production is designed to be consumed?

The intended effects on your particular audience  ?

Genre and style 

Discuss the genre and style of your production 

Chapter Four  : Production  -  Written Planning documents: ( may include treatment, screenplay, shotlist, locations  casting , callsheets), visual planning documents ( storyboards)




Weekly Journal entries -


This is completed during the production and post production stage and should document the work that has been completed

the contribution of each teacm member, any difficulties faced and how they were overcome 

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